Simply Healthy You
The Simply Healthy You podcast is dedicated to helping ambitious women with super-packed days put their health first in order to reconnect with their body’s innate abilities and reach their fullest potential. Host Kacey Kane, recovering run-down high achiever diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid condition in her early 30s turned certified Integrative Health Practitioner, Holistic Nutritionist, and with a Master’s in Psychology, helps women prioritize their physical and mental health needs without guilt, heal their relationship with their body and food, all while creating a balanced nutrition plan for crushing life goals, healing health issues, and thriving every day after. If you’re ready to feel less burnt out and spend more time being the badass, energized, determined woman that you were destined to be, you’re in the right place!
Simply Healthy You
How To Change Your Life
It won’t happen overnight but changing your life doesn’t have to be complicated. It starts with your health.
Kacey shares her own journey with hormone issues and how just last year she invested thousands of dollars when her health took a turn.
Now, she’s giving you the opportunity to begin on the path to rebalancing today and talks about why this is the step you need to take.
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[00:10] Kacey K: Welcome to the Simply Healthy You podcast, your place for overcoming overwhelm with your health to reach your fullest potential. I'm your host, Kacey Kane, and I am so pumped to have you here. I'm a recovering, burnt out high achiever who is diagnosed with an autoimmune thy condition by my early thirty s. I.
[00:27] Kacey K: Didn'T realize that running myself ragged in.
[00:29] Kacey K: The name of being superwoman and determined to achieve all the things in life was killing my body. I created this podcast so that you don't have to continue the struggle like I did for over a decade. I sat down, studied the data, and simplified what it means to prioritize your own health needs so that you can be the best for all the things on your to do.
[00:50] Kacey K: List.
[00:50] Kacey K: Everything you hear on this podcast, I have tested and implemented in my own super packed life with my family to bring you the tips, tools, and strategies that will keep your life simply healthy.
[01:06] Kacey K: Hello and welcome to another episode of Simply Healthy You. I'm your host, Kacey Kane, an integrative health practitioner and certified holistic nutritionist with a Master's in Psychology. I'm here to bring you science based conversations to help you live a healthier and happier life. The title of today's episode might be a little presumptuous. You're probably like Kacey. Really? You're going to tell me how to change your life? But hear me out. You probably have heard about my new Master class that I have coming up on September 25, the Secrets to Simply Balanced Hormones. I ran something similar in March earlier this year and it was so well received that I thought it was time to bring it back around again. Because I have been talking with so many women who are experiencing hormone related issues. I just released that new free download Simply Nurtured Hormones, and I talk so much about it in all of my private and group coaching with my clients. So it really is just a topic I've become so extremely passionate about and that's why I put together the Master class. If there's one thing that struggling to get a diagnosis for my own health issues taught me about women's health, it's that we're not being heard. We are told things like our painful and irregular periods are because we need to lose weight when we show up at our doctors and we complain about things that are going on, right? If you just lose some weight, all your problems are going to be solved. And I have gone on long rants on this podcast about that. I will not do that. In today's episode, we have also been told things like we just need a better skincare routine or accutane for our acne, despite the fact that we are in our thirty s and forty s and fifty s and should not be experiencing these things. There are jokes told on the regular about our mood swings being related to that time of the month. Or let's talk about the Shark Week jokes that are told, right? I mean, it's very common and normal to hear these things about women's cycles, about our hormones, our fatigue and our sleepless nights are ignored because it's just stress. It's just a part of being a woman. We're just always going to be fucking tired 1 minute. We're called superheroes for pushing through and doing all the things that we do because we are resilient. We do not give up. But then the next we're told that what we're feeling isn't real, as if we're fucking robots and we're just supposed to continue operating in this circle or that it's just a normal part of being a woman, especially as you age. And by the time we are postmenopause, we are just simply forgotten. We are left to waste and suffer with our never ending symptoms in silence unless we want another procedure or prescription. Did I get that right? Did I get that right? That's why I titled this episode how to Change Your Life because the cycle has to stop somewhere. A little bit pun intended there. It has to stop somewhere, right? I received a comment on one of my posts not too long ago on Instagram about a woman who had had an endometrial ablation. I had done a reel about my frustration with seeing women who I forget what influencer it was. She just had a baby recently and was just talking about how her postpartum period is just absolutely horrendous and she doesn't understand how she's losing so much blood. And there were so many women in the comments who were celebrating the fact that they had an endometrial ablation and they no longer had a period. And they said it was the best thing that they ever did and it solved all of their problems. And in this post I talked about how it's not solving a fucking thing. It's absolutely not. And while I am sure that if you have an extremely heavy period, it is absolutely beyond annoying, I mean, that doesn't even describe it. I had a short stint of time postpartum when my hormones were coming back in that things were a bit wonky while I was still figuring out what supporting my hormones really meant and while I was still learning all of these things through my certifications and through my research and education. And I mean, man, when you are bleeding and needing to change your tampon or pad every hour or you just try to walk around your house and you can feel it leaking out of whatever it is that you're using and there is no greater frustration than that. It feels like you just cannot function when that is going on. So I understand the celebration from a standpoint of man like, I don't have to deal with that bullshit anymore. But what unfortunately, I think most of these women don't understand is that they destroyed a key piece of what it means to be a woman. Where the whole conversation should have started with these women when they were considering an endometrial ablation, when someone was giving them that recommendation that was more than likely a conventional medicine, an allopathic medicine practitioner. I guarantee the conversation wasn't, let's look at what is going on with your hormones. Let's look at the root cause of your extremely heavy periods because it is absolutely not normal for you to be experiencing it. I guarantee that was not a part of the conversation that these women had with their practitioners before considering this extremely invasive procedure. They have wiped out the inside of their uterus, basically. They have very slim chances of becoming pregnant, which I am sure most of these women I mean, I hope most of these women were at a point where that was something they did not want to consider anymore. But you also can't tell what's going on with your hormones anymore. That major sign your period is a sign that things are either functioning properly or not functioning properly. We can't see ovulation from the outside and that is the biggest thing that goes on with our cycle that we need to be aware of when we are in our reproductive years. That is the thing that helps us determine whether or not one of the things that helps us determine whether or not our hormones are actually balanced and if that's not happening, then our period is going to be screwed up. The period is actually not the big event, but it is definitely one of the ways that we can see what exactly might be going on without having to do invasive testing or procedures or any of that kind. They just wiped it out and they're celebrating the fact that they no longer know what's going on with their body because you can't see the rest of it from the outside. How blessed are we, at least that we get that tool to be able to see with our period. I know for many of you listening, your period is a significant annoyance and significant interruption, significant frustration in your daily life. Just because these things are common doesn't mean it's normal. And I had a woman comment on that reel when I was talking about endometrial ablations and how that is not the answer to hormone issues. And she said she went through with it and she still has all of the same hormone issues and now she doesn't know what the fuck to do. And it makes sense. That's not solving anything. It's simply putting a band aid on a symptom. It's trying to shovel water out of a boat that has a hole in it and not fixing the hole. You're not going to get anywhere. You're not going to solve a damn thing while you keep shoveling the water out. If the hole is still there. Just because it's common to behave this way or for practitioners to make these recommendations that don't know any better or don't choose to know any better does not mean that it is normal. We are superheroes, don't get me wrong, but we shouldn't have to be fighting uphill both ways in the snow just to get through our day. That is why I put together this Masterclass the Secrets to simply Balanced hormones about all the ways in which you can work today to make these hormonal issues go away for good. Because I do hear you and I do see you, and I know firsthand what it is like to struggle with things related to your hormones life. For me, even just a few months ago, I talk all the time about how the health journey is not linear. There are going to be times in our lives where our health is not a priority, and unfortunately, we are going to suffer because of it. And after my son was born, he is a little over two years old now. After my son was born, he did not sleep through the night or very consistently at all until he was about 22 months old. 22 months. And I mean, we know if you've ever been pregnant, you know, at the end of pregnancy, you're not sleeping well either. So we're talking about at least two years for me, of not having a solid night's sleep and not getting enough hours of sleep. And no matter what I tried to do to support my body, even though I knew all the things I needed to know at that point, my body could not keep up. Life for me about a year ago at this point, looked like weight gain. That hadn't happened to me, aside from being pregnant, hadn't happened to me. For years and years, my hormones had been doing fine and unexplained weight gain was just not a thing. And all of a sudden, I was gaining weight again. It all of a sudden looked like extreme anxiety. And my anxiety manifested as rage. Man, it was a bitch. It was not pretty. And I remember getting to the point of really knowing I needed to do something different. I needed to tap into something different. And this is when I ended up investing with a naturopath. I spent thousands of dollars with this naturopath because this event, it was 03:00 in the morning, and both of my kids that night had woken up and were giving us a hard time with going back to sleep. And I went to my closet and slammed the door repeatedly at 03:00 in the morning because I felt like I was going to punch holes in walls. And I knew that was not a good option. And so slamming the door helped me at least get that rage out. And that was the point where I knew I needed help. I knew that even though I had all the tools I needed to invest in someone else that was going to help me look at this from a different angle because I had just gotten to that breaking point. My fatigue was beyond measurable. I was constantly overwhelmed with my family and I mean, my mood swings probably gave everyone whiplash. They weren't that extreme. At times I would count down the hours to bed, but I would never be able to get a full night's sleep and not even just because of my son waking up. It had gotten to the point where my hormones were so disrupted. My melatonin production was probably all over the place because my cortisol levels were all over the place from all of the stress. I either had a hard time falling asleep or I couldn't stay asleep. Even in between him waking up and then forget it. I couldn't get up in the morning to save my life. I couldn't complete a task or a project in any amount of time that I set for myself. And I was constantly feeling like I was behind as someone who is running a business and is working on creating a homestead. And I've been growing all of this food this year and over the wintertime was trying to get a plan put together and I bought all these books that I wanted to read and was so excited about this project, I could not get a fucking thing done. I would walk into rooms and not remember how I got there. I invested in all this skincare, which I mean I love, but was hoping it was going to be a solution for the acne that was still showing up on my face at 39 years old. And that wasn't the crux of the problem, right? I even got to the point where my periods were painful again. And let me tell you, I have not had painful periods for most of my life. Even when I was struggling with my thyroid, that was one thing that was never really an issue for me. They never got to the point where that was one of the symptoms I experienced. My periods were irregular for sure. I was on birth control for way too long and that certainly fucked shit up. But I had actually gotten to the point where I was feeling cramps and stuff again and not nearly as extreme as some of my clients that I've worked with, but that was coming up again too. And I'm not perfect. Just because I know all of the tools doesn't necessarily mean that sometimes life isn't going to get to be too much for me as well. And I didn't prioritize what I know I needed to do. And I got to a point where I needed to invest thousands of dollars in someone else to be able to help me come at it in a different way. Now, since then, I've gotten two more certifications and I'm now able to do what my Naturopath did for me during that time and I can now do that for my clients. But none of this happened overnight. And I'm not going to lie and say that it was easy. I never tell my clients that it's going to be easy. I do say that it can be simple. That is why I have my business named the way that I do, simply healthy. Because I don't think that healthy is that complicated. I don't think striving for that is that complicated. But it takes hard fucking work. It takes time. It took me time. It took me effort. And thousands of dollars, not just in that naturopath, thousands of dollars in investments, in certifications. I have four certifications at this point to get me to where I am, to hone my practice, to get better and better, to learn more and more. So I could not only serve myself, but I could serve other women who were struggling with the same issues. I didn't wake up one day and know what it takes to support and rebalance my hormones and body. I did the work just like you are trying to do right now. And I know it's hard. I know there are days you want to break down and cry and you will, trust me. You absolutely will. There will be days where you wonder why you're trying anything at all. There are going to be days where you're like, maybe I should just take the prescription. Maybe I should just try the meds. Maybe I should just get on the psych meds for the anxiety or the depression because maybe it's going to make things easier. But I encourage you to keep going because there are other days to come when your mood and your energy are stable and you can take that spontaneous trip to Target with the kids in the middle of the afternoon and not be overwhelmed or anxious or dead to the world come the afternoon. Where you get that promotion? Because you worked your ass off. You were able to complete things faster than the deadlines were and were able to show up and command that presentation, command that room and get what you deserve. When you don't lose a week out of every month because of your period or because of headaches and migraines and you actually make plans with your girlfriends and get to keep them when the weight falls off effortlessly without excessive exercise or restrictive dieting because your body feels safe again. Days where you can't imagine the time when you felt trapped and isolated with your hormone issues and that the world was moving on outside your door without you. In the end, it is worth it. And I can help you get there. Click the link in the show notes to get yourself registered for the Simply Balanced Hormones Masterclass and you too can be on the path to changing your life. You have the ability to do it and without the bullshit skinny Tees and crash diets and entirely unhelpful doctors appointments. Whether you are in your reproductive years or postmenopause. This masterclass has something for everyone, including a comprehensive workbook that will assist you in implementing what you'll learn in this class. I can't wait to see you on September 25. If you have questions, you can click below this episode and get in contact with me over on Instagram. Send me a DM. Thank you as always, for joining me on this episode of Simply Healthy You. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to this podcast and leave a review. I greatly appreciate your support. Stay curious, stay healthy, and until next time, take care.
[16:20] Kacey K: Thank you so much for listening to the Simply Healthy You podcast. If these episodes are resonating with you, go ahead and click that subscribe button and leave a review. With all the great nuggets that you're taking away from today's episode, I promise you I read every single one of them, as your feedback is really valuable to me in creating future episodes. As your host, look forward to having you join me for the next episode. But in the meantime, remember, keep it simple and eat more plants. Close.